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Self-Isolation advice from an astronaut!



















March 30, 2020

Retired astronaut, Chris Hadfield, provides a few tips on how to survive self-isolation!

Self-Isolation During Covid-19

During the current crisis that we are in as we face the coronavirus, the suggestion we hear the most from government officials is, "stay home". People are deciding more and more to self-isolate either to prevent catching the virus or to help prevent the spread of it after testing positive. In either case, we are confined to our homes. Businesses, schools, and public libraries have closed, in addition to various other attractions and fun places to visit such as the Zoo and even Disney. We are in a situation where there is no work and no where to go. Definitely not your typical situation to be in.

It is no surprise that many people are struggling with adjusting to this new lifestyle. Lots of changes have occurred so fast, that it can be very easy to feel a bit of uneasiness when planning your days to come.

Chris Hadfield has experience with self-isolation on the plate Earth as well as from outer space. Below is an outline of the few tips he provided on how to get started with a positive self-isolation strategy.

1) Understand the Risk

It is important to know more and learn more about the virus. The more you know, the less likely you are to have irrational fears that can take over. It is about self-education and taking special precautions to keep you and your family safe.

2) Set Goals

What exactly do you wish to get done during this time? Maybe it is your first time without employment in a long long time. Is there anything you need to get done while you have the time for it? What about the goals you set for yourself for 2020? How about revisiting the resolutions to see what has been in the back-burner for the past 3 months.

3) Constraints

Now that you have a list of goals, check out your current circumstances and see which ones you can accomplish with your current limitations. Maybe you can start something you previously had no time to do. You will need to tweak the goals to match your situation and use your home resources such as working out in your living room instead of the gym.

4) Action

The last step to get things done. It is import to take action regardless of what we are facing. Staying online reading the news or watching the news all day might not be the best way to pass time right now. Possibly learning a new skill or spending more time with the people you love even if it is over the phone, can provide some positive feelings during these times.

If you have done all of the steps above and still feel lost or like there is no way out, please feel free to reach out! I have telehealth services that can provide you therapy from the comfort of your home. We are in the period of the unknown, but what we do know is, there is still a way to find help.